Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Do You Know Your Spouses Love Language?

I was watching a recent broadcast of “Marriage Made Easy” which is a monthly broadcast on The Word Network and is led by Pastors Mike and DeeDee Freeman. On this particular broadcast they spoke of there being a Love Language that each person needs from their spouse. When you think about foreign languages, there are some that we understand and a whole bunch of them that we don’t! Have you ever tried to communicate with someone that spoke a different language? It’s very difficult. First you start speaking loudly, you start using hand gestures, and many times by the end both people walk away frustrated that they weren’t able to understand each other. In a marriage, there is a language of love. There are certain actions that communication appreciation and affection of each person. Within the broadcast there were five areas of the love language that were revealed: Acts of service- this can be anything from cleaning around the house, going to work everday, etc. Gifts- Does your spouse enjoy getting an occasional gift? Gifts don’t have to be lavish, they can be as small as a little card, maybe even something handmade. Affirmation- Do you or your spouse need to know that they are number one in your life, that they are special? For husbands, a lot of them like and need to know that they are still superman, that they are doing a great job of being a husband and father. Affection- Hugs, kisses, and….you can fill in the blank Quality Time- do you set aside time away from work and the kids to hang out with each other? Maybe have a date night. So I started to think about the language that my husband desires from me, and then I realized that while I believe I know some of his language, the easiest thing for me to do is simply ask him the things that he needs. In the same token, I started thinking about the things I need. Honestly, I enjoy all of the five areas. At first I thought I was being greedy, but I realized that it isn’t. I don’t need them all at once, but I love and appreciate how hard my husband works – it lets me know that he will do whatever is necessary to keep our family afloat. I also love an occasional gift, I don’t care how small, the things that mean the most are things like my husband stopping on the side of the road to pick a flower for me I need to be affirmed by my hubby. As a wife, mother, and entrepreneur, I encounter so many naysayers, so it is greatly appreciated that my husband affirms me. Affection- I love affection. At the beginning of my marriage, I was so damaged from previous relationships that it was difficult for me to be affectionate. But over time I started to give into the fact that my husband enjoys kissing me and hugging me. Quality Time- I need quality time with just my spouse. We have four children, and the days can be long, but when my husband just holds me until my frustration from the day dissipates is special. Having the occasional date night also recharges me. So what does your spouse need from you to know that you care? What do you need from them? I challenge to sit down and find out! If you want, leave a comment! God Bless! Tamika Hall Marriage365

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